The Kabirhat govt. college is a well known University listed in University category. The EIIN number of Kabirhat govt. college is ' 107655 ' and Kabirhat govt. college is situated at Kabirhat, Bangladesh.The geographical coordinates of Kabirhat govt. college are 22°47'44.31" North , 91°11'56.09" East .
If you have more information like Established year, Name of Founder, History & other relevant information of Kabirhat govt. college , please feel free to send them as your feedback. We always welcome your input and your link will be placed on this page as well.
পরিকল্পনা ও বাস্তবায়নে: মন্ত্রিপরিষদ বিভাগ, এটুআই, বিসিসি, ডিওআইসিটি ও বেসিস